The Week The Landlords Moved In

5 x 60 mins
The Week The Landlords Moved In challenges landlords to go ‘back to the floor’ to spend one week living in one of their own rental properties.
This transformative series challenges some of Britain’s most successful landlords to spend an eye-opening week living in one of their own rentals.
Each episode sees two successful landlords leave their home comforts behind and move into one of their rental properties for a week, living off their tenant’s budget and experiencing life through their eyes.
There are over 11 million people renting in Britain and most of those are with private landlords. As demand for homes far outstrips supply, the rental market is fraught with challenges – for both landlords and tenants. Fear of rising rents makes tenants afraid to flag problems while landlords are often far removed from what’s really going on .
These landlords want to see renting from their tenants point of view but when the keys are handed over, and the landlords open the door they are often completely unprepared for what they find – from collapsed ceilings and mould-ridden rooms, to breadline budgets and an enforced choice between heating or eating.
And after a week experiencing the true reality of renting, how much will the landlords change?